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A member registered Mar 08, 2023

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This was my first experience reading a bitsy essay. I had no idea such a thing existed! :D

I appreciate the perspective of your essay and you make a fair point about mainstream standards of attractiveness and the harsh discriminatory attitudes against fatness in particular. I just wanted to add that, for me, Clint's appearance has virtually nothing to do with my finding him creepy. Rather, his creepiness comes from his actions and behaviors that play out in his story arc. 

I also agree that it's a total stretch to call Clint an 'incel' - especially in the modern sense of the word in our society. He obviously struggles with self-esteem and insecurity and these issues compound the problem of his unrequited love for Emily. 

I think Clint's creepiness stems from the lack of development of his story; it attempts to give him character growth through the series of events, but it remains unresolved in the end. This is an oversight on CA's part (no shade - I love this amazing game!). Particularly, if the farmer ends up dating or marrying Emily, Clint shows no awareness of the relationship and continues his passive pursuit of her. It would probably also help if Emily were given more agency in the dynamic. I don't think we ever really learn how she sees things. She's written to treat Clint more as a friend and shows no indication that she's aware of his more romantic intentions. But this is all besides the point, I think.

Ultimately, I think all the criticism that writes off Clint as creepy based solely on his appearance is shallow, boring, and completely misses the mark.